Tuesday 16 July 2019

Selflessly: Post Graduate Depression

Post Graduate Depression- it's been sitting in my head for months. I know I should write about it but I just haven't had the energy to. I kept saying, tomorrow, tomorrow I'll do it. Then tomorrow never came. So, I'm making tomorrow, today.

According to We need to talk about Post Graduate Depression, " organizations identified that almost half of recent graduates believed their mental wellbeing had declined following university."

Post Graduate Depression is depression triggered by one's matriculation after post-secondary education. Like depression which is marked by intense sadness, lack of energy and interest; PGD takes the same form.

It all started off so wonderful. I was done with school, finally. I was relieved to be out. Freedom had come my way and I was ready for a break. Applying for jobs didn't seem so hard until the cards of rejection started to fill my pocket. Then it started. Extra mental exhaustion. I was merely pressing on because that's what I do best. Press. Surely, other things started to creep up on me- fatigue, anxiety, discouragement, indecisiveness, and fear.

What if questions plagued my mind and the way I had imagined life to be was not budding nor blooming. This was not what I had envisioned life after university to be. 

And that was a bitter pill to swallow. 

I fell into not wanting to do anything because  I didn't have the energy to. Feelings of frustration with my hair and being lazy with it. One point I stopped sending out applications too.  

What was this feeling of fatigue that I couldn't shake?
This breaking down in tears for no apparent reason?
This being heartbroken when anyone asked if I had heard anything yet?
The, I feel stuck and I can't make my next move? 
What is my next move?
Where was that grit I once had? To keep going when things didn't go right the first or second time.

I had sunken and planted myself home in a world of fear and Indecisiveness. And made it welcome in all facets of my living space.

But, do I live here or do I go?


  1. I've experienced this... and oh boy can it really take you down emotionally and mentally

  2. I know exactly what all of that and more feels like... all the what ifs and why me. But I'm always comforted by the story of the bamboo.
